YERSHEN PILLAY: Minister of Higher Education signals intention to clean up NSFAS
Department of Higher Education and Training - Latest News
19/03, 16:52
NSFAS exceeded initial funding targets for 2025 by more than 120,000 students, MPs told
28/02, 14:56
CPUT says it placed all eligible students into accommodation
26/02, 07:13
Group of students who were sleeping in CPUT's student centre placed in temp accommodation
26/02, 06:11
CPUT SRC praised for working with university management to resolve student accommodation shortage
25/02, 13:25
Slight reprieve for CPUT students at District Six campus
25/02, 11:15
Higher Education Minister concerned about students' living conditions
25/02, 08:43
Open letter to Minister Nkabane: Urgent intervention needed in the university funding crisis
19/02, 06:49
Nkabane says she will ensure NSFAS mandate fulfilled by new board
02/02, 08:30
SASCO concerned about student accommodation crisis in Johannesburg
23/01, 07:11
Higher Edu Dept rejects claims of placement crisis at institutions of higher learning
22/01, 14:49
DHET establishes special war room to deal with challenges plaguing higher education sector
17/10, 05:43
Some CPUT students concerned over NSFAS 'missing middle' funding news
15/10, 17:00
NSFAS announces R3bn funding for 'missing middle' students
20/09, 07:46
Higher Edu Minister set to launch NSFAS application season
19/09, 07:51
REBONE TAU: Higher education minister’s engaging approach could rescue NSFAS and SA’s academic youth
16/09, 17:40
Higher Education Dept vows to ensure compliance of deregistered private colleges
16/09, 16:32
NSFAS to end lease for CT building that houses its head office
16/09, 14:52
Higher Education Dept in final stages of appointing new NSFAS board - Nkabane
16/09, 11:20
NSFAS applications for 2025 academic year to open on 20 September
16/08, 10:58
MIMMY GONDWE: Equipping women with higher education an urgent need in our fight against GBV
23/04, 08:45
MALAIKA MAHLATSI: Why are bogus honorary degrees and colleges on the rise?
22/04, 04:52
Higher Education Dept to take action against Trinity International Bible University over honorary doctorates
21/04, 14:02
Trinity International Bible University is not registered, confirms Higher Edu Dept
15/04, 05:45
NSFAS has 12 months to turn things around, for reputation and students - Nzimande
12/04, 18:01
Student organisations call for restructuring of NSFAS following dissolution of board
12/04, 04:30